According to theories in quantum physics, the world is composed of countless atoms. Each atom is charged with energy and those with a similar energy composition are drawn toward each other. Therefore, it has been concluded that everything has potential and nothing is fixed. Now that we understand how atoms can influence each other thus making them open for infinite changes, let’s look at how this theory helps us to understand the Law of Attraction.
The law of attraction, like quantum physics states that our mind is composed of thoughts and each thought, like charged atoms, which are capable of generating enormous power. The law of attraction, going further along the lines of quantum physics, points out that since energy and matter are interchangeable the human mind, which is also open to changes, helps us in molding the situations in our life to shape our reality.
So following that principle, the law of attraction states that thoughts like atoms are drawn toward the same kind of thoughts. Thus, the law of attraction points out that “like attracts like”. This explains how thoughts relating to ones’ goal attract thoughts centering on the ways to achieve it, eventually attracting thoughts of reaching the goal.
Again, quantum physics points out that everything has potential and nothing is fixed, which means, if our goal is fixed, there are a number of ways to achieve it. In the same way, the law of attraction points out that if we are focused over what we want to achieve, nothing can prevent us from reaching it. Thus, quantum physics also speaks of what the law of attraction referred to as fending off negative thought through thinking.
Though the law of attraction bears similarity with quantum physics in many ways, it is not a scientific law, in the true sense of the term. The law of attraction is more a part of pseudoscience and a gathering of spiritual philosophies to gauge the power of the human mind. Quantum physics may be considered a concrete means of explaining what the law of attraction aims at propagating